Mods, Installing Official Madminer Mods

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Revision as of 17:45, 21 July 2018 by KingDingbat (talk | contribs)
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1. Download things

  1. Download Minecraft from Official Site if you don't have it installed
  2. Install and run Minecraft, ensure you have launched 1.12.2 (Latest release) at least once
  3. Download and install Java if you don't have it already
  4. Download the "1.12.2" folder at (hover over the "..." and click "Download")
  5. Extract the files to somewhere on your computer

2. Install OptiFine and Liteloader

OptiFine provides a lot of nice graphical features and performance boost. Liteloader is a lightweight mod framework that enables other mods.

  1. Run "OptiFine_1.12.2_<something>.jar", accept the default path
  2. Run "liteloaded-installer-1.12.2-<something>.exe"
  3. Choose "Install LiteLoaded"
  4. Extend from "1.12.2-OptiFine_<something>"
  5. In New Profile, name it something new like "LiteLoaded OptiFine 1.12.2"
  6. Leave the path alone and click OK

If you use Forge, there're specific steps to make LiteLoader work. Please see this page.

3. Expand Java memory allocation

The stock Java memory allocation for Minecraft is only 1GB. We recommend upping it to 4GB to accommodate larger worlds and resource packs.

  1. Launch Minecraft, in the launcher:
  2. Click "Launch options"
  3. Toggle "Advanced settings" on, and accept the warning
  4. Click the new profile that you named
  5. Toggle "JVM arguments" on
  6. Change -Xmx1G to -Xmx4G
  7. Click "Save"
  8. Click "News" to go back home
  9. Click the up arrow next to "Play" button and select the new profile
  10. Click "Play"

4. Install Resource Packs

We recommend two resource packs, Chroma Hills and Lithos HD Font. You're free to use others as well, with the exception of any X-Ray packs.

  1. Once in-game, click "Options"
  2. Click "Resource Packs"
    1. Click "Open Resource Pack Folder"
    2. Copy the two files in the "Resource Packs" folder you originally downloaded from Dropbox, into this folder, keep the folder window open
    3. Go back in game and click "Done"
  3. Click "Resource Packs" again
  4. You'll now see the two files listed under "Available Resource Packs"
    1. Click the right arrow of "ChromaHills" to add to "Selected Resource Packs"
    2. Click the right arrow of "Lithos HD Font" to add to "Selected Resource Packs"
    3. Click "Done"

5. Install Liteloader Mods

The three Liteloader mods we recommend are: VoxelMap, ArmorHud and Spawn Detector. They're all very useful without being game breaking. VoxelMap gives you a mini-map, and a local cached map of where you've explored. ArmorHud gives you on-screen display of armor durability. Spawn Detector can show you where mobs can spawn so you can light properly.

  1. Go back to the folder window where you copied the resource packs in
    1. Click ".minecraft" in the folder path to navigate back up one level
    2. Open "mods" folder
    3. Open "1.12.2" folder
    4. Copy the files in the "Liteloader Mods" folder you originally downloaded from Dropbox, into this folder
  2. Close Minecraft and relaunch the game
  3. In the Liteloader pull-out tab on the right hand-side of the Minecraft window, you should see "3 mod(s) installed"

Special note for Spawn Detector: The keybind for toggling it on is set to "L" by default, which conflicts with default keybind. Open the Controls -> Keybind screen in Minecraft, scroll all the way down and you can change which key toggles on Spawn Detector.

You're all set!