Economy, A Guide to Our

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How it Works

The economy in Destinos worlds is run by a currency called "$hineys" - or "$" - Every player starts with $200 in $hineys. (If you are an existing player as of November 30, 2018, you have been given $200 in $hineys.)

Your Balance

You may check your balance by using the /balance command. See the Player Commands page for all the command details.

Trading money, paying others

You may pay other players by using the /pay <player> command. The minimum transaction amount is $0.01 See Player Commands Page for all the details.

  • Example: "/Pay KingDingbat 2.50" will result in paying the player named KingDingbat $2.50 from your account.

Note, the recipient must be online to be paid.

$hiney Eggs

$hiney's can also be represented by a shimmering egg, which can be sold at any bank to increase your account balance. Physical $hineys are only given by admins, but can be traded between players if desired. They only have value to the banks. They are worth $1 when you sell them to the bank. See List of Banks

Note - When you approach a bank, you need to follow these steps to sell your $hiney's:

  1. Make sure the $hiney eggs are in your inventory
  2. Make sure you are NOT holding anything in your hand, not even the $hiney Eggs
  3. LEFT CLICK on the sign in the bank that says "Bat Spawn Egg #1" at the bottom of it. You will be credited $1 $hiney per egg sold.

TIP: You can hold "SHIFT" key to sell whole stacks at a time.

Remember, the ecomomy does not really apply to Creative worlds like Tofurkey Land. There's no reason for shops or currency there.