Difference between revisions of "Markers on the Map, Guide to Placing"

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Revision as of 16:51, 8 December 2017

You can create markers on the interactive map by using specially labelled signs.

To use these, the first line of the sign MUST be [dynmap].

After that, any non-blank line will be included in the label of the marker, except for lines formatted as

set:<markerset-id> (which allows the marker to be added to a specific marker set) or

icon:<icon-id> (which allows the marker to be set to use a specific icon - if not specified, the icon sign is used).

If the marker is successfully created, the sign's text will erase the [dynmap], set: and icon: lines. If the sign is later deleted, the corresponding map marker is deleted.

To edit your marker in the future, just break the sign and place a new one.

Here are a list of icons you can use: File:Https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9db598a2984ee843180041450e7292f284208624/687474703a2f2f6d696b657072696d6d2e636f6d2f696d616765732f4d61726b6572732e706e67